Hello there. My names are Saarn, the Fairfriend, or Soŋ. My preference for pronouns goes as follows: it/its, hy/hymn, she/her. I use these labels: aroallo intersex lesbian butch; and I consider all of these important to my experiences, and even my alterhuman experiences. Alterhumanity isn't inherently a queer thing, per say, but for me and my personal experience, it can be, in various ways.

My history with the alterhuman community

I am alterhuman, and have been aware of the community since 2021, only joining in 2022 (though I still was more of a lurker at the time). My main kintypes back then were some kind of eldritch horror and a crow, though now I typically group those two as being the same kintype, rather than two separate ones. I briefly took a break from the community sometime in 2023, and, after awakening what I feel has been an incredibly important kintype, I began a new Tumblr blog to start interacting again! If you'd like to read about my experiences with specific types, I put a lot more information on the sidebar to the right!


The main thing I do is write. I do enjoy writing about alterhuman topics, but most of what I actually write is fiction. I've been thinking about dabbling more into fictional alterhuman stories, specifically making games with engines such as Twine or Ren'Py, but I do want to get a bit more experience before releasing any to the public. I've been told I can be very verbose or wordy, but that's simply because I like talking/writing! I am also an artist; most of the art on here will likely be my pixel art, as I've begun making more and more recently.


I am a soulbonder, specifically for psychological reasons, but I don't consider myself plural, or use terms like system because of it; I have used those terms in the past and have found that they do not work well for my soulbonds and I.

The best metaphor I can give to explain it would be this: my soulbonds are more like roommates whom I share a room with. In the room, I'm the one "playing the game"/"controlling the character"; while they occasionally look over my shoulder and comment on whatever I'm "playing", I don't (can't) ever give them the controller to let them "play". In other words, they exist solely in my head, cannot front, and don't even view my body as something they are in. I view it as a sort of telepathic connection. Another important thing is that they only get more "personality" the more I write or do other creative things with them/about them. The more I write about them, the "clearer" they get.

As of right now, I only have two soulbonds, Trunnion and Hedwig. They may or may not get their own pages on this site, as well as some of their own writings (but only if they're NICE. Yes, I'm talking to you, Trunnion).


I also dabble in Daemonism. My daemon is named D'endrrah, also known as Sma. Her primary form is an Emerald Cockroach Wasp, but she takes on a variety of other forms! Interestingly, she is also conceptkin, with the concept of stories and storytelling. She has historically been the driving force behind a good portion of my own stories; providing/filling in background information here, fleshing out aspects of the world there, etcetera, so her being storykin makes a lot of sense! As of right now, she still doesn't "talk" much, and prefers to share her thoughts through, well, stories.

Both of my current soulbonds also have their own daemons; however, they don't communicate much, if at all.

Physical Nonhumanity (my experience)

I consider myself to be physically nonhuman, for a multitude of reasons. Primarily, I would say it is a religious reason; as Saarn, I would be engaged with philosophy at times. The Nälkä religion has always put a heavy emphasis on the "animalistic" aspects of humanity; in other words, not trying to separate humans from animals. I've always carried this philosophy with me, even into a whole other life! I can see the animal parts of my body, even if it is "mostly" or "partly" human. And, I would even say it is beneficial to my health to recognize the not-quite-human or animal aspects of it. There is a lot more to Nälkä philosophy regarding animals and humans, that has shaped the way I view my own body, but this is the core of it.

Furthermore, I believe the nonhuman parts of me have somewhat "followed" me from my past life; especially the snake and fae parts. I don't want to particularly go into too much detail about this, as it is incredibly difficult to explain. It's just something I felt like mentioning.


As stated before, I view myself as primarily a nälkä believer and practicer. I am still having some difficulties adjusting certain parts of it (especially the parts involving fleshcrafting and Yaldabaoth, as I do not believe either of those things exist in this universe), but overall I tend to follow it unconsciously. I have had experience with popular magic and spiritual spaces in the past, but I've not had much luck "sticking" with them. I have been a: Hellenic paganist (Dionysus), earth worshipper, Elder Scrolls pop culture paganist (Clavicus Vile and the Hist), and began doing research into Kemetic deities (specifically, Anubis). None of these have worked (for various reasons), and I've now felt much more comfortable in saying I'm a nälkä beliver.

Currently, I am attempting my own (re)construction of a nälkä language; mainly because none of the languages already on the wiki really... Fit, for one reason or another. I plan to use this language for mostly religious/spiritual purposes, and am unsure if I want to release it to the general public. The other major religious thing I am working on is a starters guide (or something akin to it) for attempting to work with nälkä figures, like GK. Ion and the Klavigar.

(If you want an idea for where I'd place my language in comparison to the other ones, Pilesaran and Soonesaran would be the earliest form of a "one true nälkä language", used primarily by the Daevite slaves before Ion's rebellion; Ämärangnä would come far after Ion's rebellion, and used ((as the article itself states)) mostly for "ritual" purposes and not actually to communicate in -- akin to how English speakers use Latin in the modern-day. My language is somewhere in-between the two; and, since there was never any "fracturing" of the nälkä, never developed into Ämärangnä.)

Alterhuman Info*

*I have only included identities which I've done quite a bit of introspection and reflection on, for simplicity's sake.


Eldritch Crow:
My first fully discovered kintype, though for a long time I chose to separate the "eldritch" and "crow" parts. It has a mostly philosophical origin, from the idea that everything and everyone is connected in some way. I unconciously choose to express myself more as a crow, however; as it makes up more parts of "me".

My second discovered kintype. It heavily intertwines with my identity as an intersex butch, and so thus I also consider it an inherently queer kintype. Previously I labelled it as having philosophical origins, but upon further introspection, I'm unsure if it falls under any currently existing origin label. Besides maybe being better labelled as paratype, however it does function like a kintype for me, so I always label it as such.

The werewolf, to me, is a protector. Something which I've always wanted to embody, both for myself and for the people I love. Anger is an emotion that I've always been close with, and the werewolf is a perfect example of taking that anger and doing something with it. This is why I identify as a werewolf so much -- because part of what being butch means (to me) is standing for what I believe in.

Klavigar Saarn:
My third (and currently what I would consider most important) discovered kintype. This kintype drives and has driven many of my thoughts and feelings, even without me knowing it. I suppose I could be considered to be in a permashift of her. I first read about Sarkicism a while before I awakened this kintype, and I didn't even consider the possibilty that I could be her. But as time went on and the more I read, the more I realized the relatability I was feeling towards this character was not, in a manner of speaking, "normal" or "typical". Despite this, it took me reading the tale Tuae to finally fully realize this kintype.

An important note that this kintype causes a lot of paratypes (and paratypes that function like kintypes); the biggest example being snakes. I am a (part) snake, because I am Saarn. I've also been realizing that, as Saarn, I may have actually also been a fae. Specifically, a changeling fae (a fae baby that is left behind when the human baby is kidnapped, for one reason or another).

My (technically) fourth discovered kintype. I say technically because I've been aware something like a unicorn could be one of my alterhuman identities, but it took me a very long time to figure out what it was exactly. My feelings are based heavily off the movie "The Last Unicorn", and I feel it may have influenced my identity as a unicorn. Basically, I'm a unicorn that has been forcibly humanized -- similar to Amalthea. Because of my humanization, I am not longer like the other unicorns, and I feel differently because of it.

An unknown SCP character:
I've feelings for an unknown and mysterious character basically every since I started reading the SCP Foundation (around 2020). I'm calling it questioning, but less like "I don't know if this is a kintype" and more "who are you?!?!?!" At first I had thought it was Klavigar Saarn, but as time went on I realized that these two were entirely separate. So far, the article that seemed close was SCP-3999, but I don't think it's either SCP-3999 or Dr. James Talloren. So, the jury is still out on this one. (And the potential that it's either a non-canon character or one not yet written about or, hell, even a conceptkin of the entire SCP Foundation concept has not slipped my mind.)


Orchids and Maned Lionesses:
This identity stems exclusively from my intersex identity. I have hyperandrogenism, which means my body naturally produces an excess amount of testostrone than what is considered "typical". The way this mostly manifests/manifested for me is in body hair, specifically, I began getting facial hair. For me, as a masc-presenting person, it makes me feel over the moon. When I found the word intersex, something just felt like it clicked into place; I finally could put into words what I was, in a way I couldn't previously (even in transgender and alterhuman spaces).

Orchids and maned lionesses are both symbols of intersexuality; orchids specifically tend to represent something clitoral (clitoromegaly), and maned lionesses tend to represent the accumalation of hair (like in hyperandrogenism). Now, I don't actually have clitoromegaly -- matter of fact, I basically have the opposite of it, something incredibly rare called "clitoral aplasia" (so rare that it isn't even an actual medical term, and I only found it from an LGBTQ wiki, not any medical journals). The reason I connect to orchids despite having the opposite of what they typically represent is because, to be quite frank, they help present diversity. I feel no shame over having clitoral aplasia, because I can see the diversity in the human body. The symbol of the orchid makes me feel seen, because I know there are more ways the body can exist than just the stereotypical perisex norms, adn the orchid shows that.


(Fantasy) Wizard:
My wizard archetrope is a bit strange, for a few specific reasons. For one, it's not as "present" in my life as, say, my Saarn kintype. It's also not as intertwined with any of my other identities such as my orchid or maned lioness paratypes. It's not something I wake up thinking about, nor have I done tons and tons of introspection on it, like with my eldritch crow kintype. But regardless of all this, it's still there. A thing to note is that both my moms do consider themselves witches, and I have enjoyed dabbling in witchcraft and magick at times. However... The term "witch" for myself just feels wrong. I've always preferred more of the symbols and "wizardry" types of spells than I did any part of what is considered witchcraft.


Horseshoe Crabs:
One time, I went to an aquarium. In this aquarium, there was a small pool with an open top where you could touch and pet various types of fish and other water animals (whether this was a good idea, I have no clue, I'm not a fish expert). I distinctly remember the first animal that caught my eye, it was weirdly shaped but nonetheless docile. When I pet it, it didn't run away. I remember something about it, this horseshoe crab, that just enchanted my childhood self. Since this moment, horseshoe crabs were what I considered my absolute favorite animal. They're strange, they're weird, yet to me, they've always been my family.